Publication as Exhibition
publication as exhibition
Eliza Burall- Stillman
Maya Dew
George Stewart-Sendell
Nandini Lodha
A Teaser of Comical Errors
Tom Hopson
Metal Mavericks

Tegan Bradley
The Box
Kit Sivers
Asha Peacock
Baby Shoes
Lucy Carter
Zoe Chan
The Bottles
Lea Huniat

Kelly Sleep

Iseult Bailie

Holly Latif

Zhian Wan
Julia Ligeza
Not In Residence
Daeun Moon
The Log

Jasmin Sproule
Women's Make-up

Siobhan Lynch
Creating Creatures
Ellie Turley and Rovi Snave
Words full of shite

Rosie Robson
Sofia Gonzalez Castro
Phoebe Mae Thompson
Jessica Deverell
The City Feels Different Now
Silas Shepherd Thompson
The Moon is Smiling
IIayda Bakir

Rosie Robson

Judith Gao

Emma Joy Pantling

Alisa Cheung

Seung Woo

Felix Scott and Kelly Sleep

Alena German-Shakhly

Florence McCarthy

June Chan
An Ode to 2021
James Tess
Lucy Pearce (bigbadlulu)
Jasmine Pearce
A collection of Poems
Ella Price
My Eyes Only

Jade Green
Jalia Pud
Lets Be Friends
Ellie Hughes

Renetta Pope

Andy Hurst

Sarah Na

Wendy Feng

Rachel Booty

Daneilla Scozzari

Saskia Frank

Michalina Marciniec

Chaz Lucas
A Conversation with Adele about Graham